Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What's a Red Wagon?

When I was little my beautiful, wise Aunt Rose always said "Everyone's got their little red wagon."  It took me awhile but I eventually realized she wasn't talking about my Radio Flyer.  She meant we all have "stuff" to drag around.  Baggage.  No one gets away easy in life, though I think some of us get to haul more than our fair share.

I never gave much thought to blogs.  Somehow they seem so self-indulgent, silly even.  But I find myself at a curious point in my life and I feel I need to get it out.  Forgive the endless metaphors but the bags are heavy at times, so heavy the wagon just doesn't cut it.  So it's a blog or therapy at $125 an hour.  I've got a ton of Parent Plus Plus college loans and a twelve year old do the math.

So I'll join the ranks of the silly, the self-indulgent.  Maybe I won't write a single thing worth reading.  Or maybe I'll be one of those lucky few whose daily musings become a must-read.